First workshop in Poland

Created: Wednesday, 16 November 2016 Written by Angelika Zimak, Monika Szur, Weronika Szur, Kamil Karczewski

The first four-hour workshop in project School companies started at 10 am on Saturday  the 29th of October 2016.  At the begining teachers divided us into 2 groups.

The first group guided by Mrs Arleta Rohde decoupaged boxes and coasters which later can be sold by our school company. The second group under the supervision of Mrs. Alicja Niepomnik began to create a project website. They  have already created  the background. We also had a break, during which we could eat something sweet, drink tea and discuss important issues related to the project. We filled out a survey about school companies and local entrepreneurs.



Then we wrote proposals for activities for next workshops and a list of companies that we would like to visit. We also assigned the students to individual tasks - creating a group on Facebook, writing articles, photographic documentation of activities and the development of information about  school cooperative.  At the end of the workshop, some students were offered to participate in the first trip to Wolfsberg in Austria, which is scheduled for January 2017. In our view, the workshop was very cool and a lot was hapenning. We have learnt many things for example team working.


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